This week’s theme I have chosen is quite interesting. When I read about single serve sweets, I was immediately hooked. Ever since I have been on diet, I have learnt to make smaller batches of any recipe so that I don’t have left overs. And when I started weighing the ingredients for recipes, I also […]
Cabbage Salad ...
We start yet another month in Blogging Marathon and this week it is all about summer salads. I selected summer salads so that I could try out some for my daughter. I even listed out some exotic salads which can be served like desserts but unfortunately my daughter fell ill and still haven’t recovered fully. […]
Chenna Kheeri / C...
Chenna Kheeri is a simple yet delicious dessert from Odisha. Crumbled paneer is roasted in ghee and then milk and sugar are added and boiled together to get kheer consistency. In some recipes the consistency of the kheer was thick, but some made it like South Indian payasam. As I like it at payasam consistency, […]