Candy clay is used in decorating cakes and pastries. It is made of chocolate. It some what resembles the play dough and it is very pliable. You can be very creative with this clay. It hardens when air dried and so it can be prepared before 1 or 2 days and can be stored until the day of decoration. Bitter sweet, milk or white chocolate can be used. When using white chocolate, it is very easy to colour it. This can also be refrigerated in a zip lock bag. While making figures, thaw it and use it.
I prepared these candy clay diyas for my Pongal Pot Cake. It is very easy to prepare and it needs a whole night for maturing. So prepare it the day before.
I used 500gm Marco cooking chocolate.
Chop it to small pieces with a knife.
In a double boiler, melt it until creamy.
Remove from the boiler and add 1/4cup liquid glucose and mix well.
The chocolate will become grainy and hard.
Line a plate with a butter paper, transfer the chocolate to it. Press with the back of a spoon to smoothen the top. Allow it to cool for 2-3hours. It will become a hard block. Place it in a zip lock and leave it on the counter over night.
Next day, chop it into small pieces.
Run it in a mixer grinder to get crumbs.
Start by adding 1 tbs milk and knead it. If required add one more tbs. Divide into small portions and kn ead to make a soft pliable candy clay. Take a smaller quantity and place the others in zip lock until further use. Be creative and make any shape or figure you want.
I placed the diyas in the middle of a cup cake decorated with butter cream.