Potato stuffing-1/2cup
Potato Stuffing:
This is a simple stuffing and very easy to put together. You can also use sprouts to make it healthy.
Coriander Leaves-1cup
Mint Leaves-1/2cup
Cumin Seeds-1tsp
Green Chilly-7-8
Tamarind-lemon sized ball
Salt-to taste
1. Soak tamarind for 10 minutes in 1/2cup of water.
2. Extract the juice. Add 1/2cup more water and extract the second juice.
3. Mix both juices and keep it aside.
4. Grind coriander leaves, mint leaves and cumin to a fine paste.
5. Grind green chillies with a little coriander leaves to a fine paste.
6. In a bowl add 1/2 the amount of tamarind extract, a cup of water, 1/2 of the coriander leaves paste and 1/2 the chilly paste.
7. Now start adjusting the ingredients until you get the perfect taste. If you like the pani tangy, then add extra tamarind juice. If you like it hot, add the chilly paste.
8. Add salt to taste.
If you are serving for your family, then you can serve it by dipping the puris in pani. But if you are serving it for some guests, then serve it as shown in the first snap. Either way, it is delicious.
Linking this to WTML-February going on here at my blog and Celebrating Street Foods at Tomato Blues
I love panipuri…& this looks fab 🙂 & no you didn’t bore us with stories..they little notes is what makes a blog soo special
Omg, drooling rite now here, feel like gobbing few rite now..Oh you lived in Pondicherry,Lakshmi showroom ippo anga illa Gayathri also you have loads chaat stalls in Nehru street,you have loads of choices now..
This is my fav !! perfectly done !! and looks yummy !!
Ongoing Event – CC-Dish For Loved Ones
Who can resist these yummy snack!! cant stop gobbling these!
They look yummy
Yummy yum golgappa..Delicious,mouthwatering!!
Erivum Puliyum
I love to have a taste of this wonderful dish..;P
Tasty Appetite
wonderful pani puri…
I loved the addition of black chick peas to the masala, new to me. 🙂
The puris look perfectly puffed and fried; super-tempting!! 🙂
I also have fond memories of pani puri being served in a order and my mom making sure each one got the puri and the person passing them did not by mistake gobble it down…IT has been ages since we all met under one roof at my moms place. The next time we meet, I will make sure we gobble down some pani puri’s, just for the next gen kids to know what our growing years were like.
Love Ash.