When I bought a sprouter , I was totally confused about using it. The specifications accompanying sprouter was incomplete and unclear. I searched the web and got different methods of using it. Again it left me confused. So I did a little experimenting and with many trial and errors, I got the method of making the perfect sprouts. This is a very easy method of preparing sprouts.
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Moong Sprouts |
The three containers of sprouter
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In the lowest bowl, pour 1/2cup of water
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Fill the second container with soaked grain to half the capacity
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Place the third container on top. The red knob should be directly opposite to the red knob of the second container
wow…sounds great…wanna try now..;)
Tasty Appetite
Useful post .. nice to know about the sprouter.
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How does the water at the bottom tray help sprouts to grow
It just keeps the air inside humid. inside the container.
I too have sproutmaker sitting in a corner of my cupboard, never knew how to use it. This is a very useful post, I will now make wonderful sprouts.
Nice post, useful too
gr8 Informative post:)
even I have d same sprout maker..
Awesome informative post Gayathri.. I love making bean sprouts but never tried it..
Good job.:)
very informative
Kavi | Edible Entertainment
Ongoing event: Healthy Lunch Challenge
helpful n useful post…thanx dear
I have this at home and new bothered to use it. Thanks.
I too make sprouts the same way 🙂
lovely post dear
Never knew about the sprouter..perfectly done!!
Erivum Puliyum
Ongoing Event -Christmas Delicacy (15 Nov-31 Dec 2011)
lovely post dear..thanks for sharing..
This is very informative gayatri:-)thnks
Thanks for sharing I had one didn’t know how to use it
And I must say its one of the awesomet things
wy we should add water in last container…pls clear this one..i think we should add in top one
The water in the bottom container helps keep the moisture in the whole arrangement. If you pour water in the top container, the beans will be very wet and it will spoil the beans. I tried it and experienced it.
Thanks for the info., I will appreciate you tomorrow as I am trying it today.
thank you so much it is very easy method.
Manual says that fill top most container with water and leave bottom most empty.
Now Confused…
Should I follow manual or this procedure?
Hi Ruchita, I first tried out as the manual’s instructions. But the sprouts were spoiled because of the high water content which drips from the top most container. Then I googled and found out this method which works perfectly. As I have used this method many times, you can follow this without confusion. Happy cooking!!
GonNa try it thanks.
This is fantastic! just what I need, mine too is lying unused. where do you rest it in your kitchen Gayathri? like a shelf or cupboard?
Just place it on the counter Neha. It works fine..
What is the use of Red knobs. I do not think they passes air/moisture from bottom tray, Please reply…Thanks & Regards,
They do pass the moisture from the bottom tray to the other trays Vasanth.
hai Ms gayathri
I have planned to buy sprout maker. from where i have to buy, can i buy it from online shopping like shopclues.
Vinoth, you can buy it online but make sure that the site is good on delivering goods at time..
Hi Gayathri, very good posting…after going through your blog I have purchased A sprout maker. It was mentioned on the website(where I have made the purchase) that the sprout maker should be kept on the top of the fridge as it will help sprouts. Any call/suggestion on this information.
Sonali, the top of fridge is warm. So if you live in a cool place then keeping the sprout maker on top of fridge will speed the process…
Thank you for the instructions ….. very helpful… Cheers..
The water at the bottom needs to be hot or room temperature. Also do i need to pre soak the sprouts for some time?
The water must be at room temperature Amit. And yes you need to pre soak the gram overnight.
HI Gayathri, thanks for answers. One more question , since eating sprouts reguraly can get boring, are there recepies to make it more interesting yet retain its health benefits.
I have updated the post with some recipes using sprouts. Hope this helps..
From where we can buy sprout maker?
Try any place where you buy utensils
the sprouted grains can b kept outside in the same container r should be kept n an air tight container for few days use.should it be refridgerated?
Once the sprouts are ready, you can either use it immediately or pack it in ziplock and refrigerate until further use…
OMG. Not one person could guide me in using this.. I’m so thrilled to have landed here.. Thank you so much..
I jus bought a new sprout maker and m y first attempt at sprouting was as per your instructions. But only in some 10 hours, my moong is stinking with a white layer on it. Where can I have gone wrong?
Hi, either the soaking time was less or you have added a lot of moong so that it doesn’t get enough space to sprout…
really i purchase Sprout maker today and search on web how to use it but really i confuse too and then i read your post it is really usefull and clear my confusion thanks a lot……
i would like to know where can we find the container you are using for sprouting beans
i am interested email me frescoagrofoodz@gmail.com or whatsapp +211916786345
I bought it in a store near my house. I think you can find it online too. I have given the link in the post.
In my sprout maker (same model) there is no hole in the red-knob and I wonder, after purchase shall we make hole in it? or there is no need for a ventilator hole?
Others can also check using a small stick or needle and confirm.
Please suggest. thanks in advance.
There won’t be a hole on the knob. The knob covers a hole. Check it out. You don’t have to do anything there. Just make sure that the containers are set properly.